Projekt kereső

Keresett kifejezés:


Dernei Balázs
egyesületi elnök

Tel.: 06-30-924-6320

Postacím: 3503 Miskolc, Pf. 14.



Roma inclusion in North Hungary and East Slovakia


In the framework of the project two heavily underdeveloped regions cooperate in order to tackle the economic and social crisis that hit hard both regions in the 1990s. The main objective of the 6 month cooperation is to investigate the possibilities of job creation and housing for the most disadvantaged group of people (mainly Roma people)living in the area. Some good practices already exist in both countries, which need to be further examined. As a main output an Action Plan will be elaborated.


Project partner: MVO Ľudia a voda Kosice


The kick off meeting of the project will take place in Abaújszántó on 13 February 2013. meghivo_invitation.pdf 



Invitation of the 1st workshop 15 February 2013:



Invitation of the 1st workshop in Kosice 22 February 2013:



Download the Action Plan:roma_felzarkoztatas_kiadvany_fin.pdf